Planning a vacation in Somerset? Perhaps there’s an event you’re keen to attend?
The diverse landscape of Somerset offers plenty to see and do. From its picturesque coast to the Levels and the areas of outstanding natural beauty, Somerset is a wonderful place to visit. Steeped in its history, there are stately homes to admire, postcard-perfect villages and cities to walk around, and miles of unspoilt countryside to acquaint yourself with. Somerset is one of the places you visit time and time again as it makes for an unforgettable experience, and there are numerous things to see and do.
If you’d prefer to stay on a farm – the ultimate accommodation when one considers the farming traditions in the county – then Manor Farm Glastonbury can provide the type of accommodation you might be looking for.
Manor Farm Glastonbury is situated near to the Royal Bath & West Show showground and is also ideal for Glastonbury Festival goers. With different accommodation on offer, including a private cottage with stunning views, you can choose what’s right for you.